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These are just what they say - the diaper and cover in one. An All-In-One (AIO) is generally viewed as a diaper that needs nothing else and is very similar to a disposable. There is only one step to the diapering process. In All-In-Ones (AIOs), the waterproof cover is attached to the absorbent part and most come with a choice of either poppers or Velcro fastenings. All-in-One nappies are really convenient and great when leaving baby with relatives or nursery.

The outer water proof layer made of PUL, or polyurethane laminated fabric, acts as the diaper cover. The absorbent soaker is either made with microfiber, cotton or bamboo. Some AIO's have a stay dry inner made of suedecloth or microfiber. These fabrics keep your baby's skin dry while holding all the wetness into the diaper.

All in one diapers will either have the soaker sewn internally into the diaper, or sewn into the top of the diaper, externally (referred to as a quick dry soaker). A diaper is only an all in one if the entire system is attached.  An AIO with an internal soaker will have a longer drying time because the air cannot circulate around the hidden material. This has been recently addressed with new designs that allow you to unfold the thick, absorbent part of the nappy to make drying easier and pocket nappies actually allow you to remove the absorbent part. An external soaker, referred to as a Quick Dry (QD) soaker, allows for air to circulate around the soaker when drying, therefore quicker dry time. A pocket AIO or stuffable AIO is an all in one diaper with a pocket built in. These are really nice because you can use the diaper as is, or add more absorbency if you need to use it for longer periods of time. This means you can use your all in ones over night or on long car trips.

* One piece to put on, so very convenient and easy to use.
* Great for day care, church, or relatives who refuse to use anything else.
* No folding required.
* Fasten with poppers or Velcro fastenings.
* Absorbent inner layer with waterproof outer usually sewn on as one piece.
* Using an All-In-One does mean that you need to wash the whole nappy, including the waterproof part each time.
* The waterproof layer can increase drying times.
* Difficult to get clean. Water can't circulate to the innermost core of the diaper, and water can't come in through the waterproof part.
* Slowest to dry.
* Generally most expensive option.
* Most likely to suffer from wear and tear. The waterproof fabric will wear out faster, as you have to launder it along with the other part.

Wraps are NOT needed with these nappies.


PlaySafe about All-In-One diapers

AIO's are the easiest cloth diaper to use. They are the most like disposables of all the cloth diapers out there. It's everything you need in one. AIO's are great diapers for day care and babysitters and they are perfect for someone just learning how to use cloth. However, we do not recommend AIO's for full time use, it is better to use them in combination with other diaper types. They are not the best over night or long car trips diapers unless you are using pocket AIO's (BumGenius makes great pocket AIO's). Many moms choose these diapers because there is no stuffing or having to use a cover. You simply put on your baby and go. If you are looking for some extemely easy and convenient to use, then these diapers may be for you.